of assessment:
Assessment is how we identify our learners’ needs, document their
progress, and determine how we are doing as teachers and planners. That being
said, how do we know we are doing it right? How do we know that the assessment
tools we are using measure what we intend them to?
Reasons of Assessment:
Assessment shows the teacher the role of progress testing in the
classroom and the importance of matching testing to instruction. I view testing
as a tool that can help teachers identify student strengths and weaknesses and
evaluate the effectiveness of their programs. I ensure that teachers must
design or choose tests that are practical, reliable, and valid.
Assessment is perhaps one of most difficult and important parts of our jobs as
teachers. Ideally, it should be seen as a means to help us guide students on
their road.
Tools of Assessment:
Assessment measures the learners' progress in learning through the
teacher's portfolio that includes various tools like the following:
1-Oral discussion by the teacher.
2-Written tests done by the
3- The rate of participation
played by the learner in class.
4- The involvement of learners in
pair work and group work.
5-The role played by the learner
in his group work.
6-Sharing in elicitation in class.
7-Self-expression and critical
thinking by the learner.
8-The practical roles played by
the learner in class.
9-The roles played by the learner
in songs and games.
10-The activities done by the
learner inside class .
11- The activities done by the
learner outside classroom.
12- The activities done by the
learner outside school.
13- The learner's involvement in
using technology in class.
14- The tasks done by the learner
in his workbook and his homework.
15- The area of the learner's
interest in learning.
16- The learner's ability to
think, pair, share, apply and analyze.
17- The learner's ability to do
synthesis, evaluate and innovate.
18- The area of the learner's
dialoguing with himself and with others.
19-Written exercises.
20-Observation forms to register
learning outcomes.
21-Rubrics scale for self, pair
and group work.
22- Feed-back sheets and
observation sheet.
23- Learners' standards register
and weekly reports.
24-Lesson plan and how the lesson
objectives are connected with activities and assessment and how much the
objectives are achieved through the selected methods and the teaching aids.
25- Classroom management and time
26- Learners' marks or grades
27-A Scope form.
28-The learner's portfolio.
29-Learner"s interaction with
the teacher, course, peers and environment.
30-The learner's behavior.
Importance of assessment:
No single procedure can meet the needs of all learners and situations,
so we need to remember to incorporate a variety of tools to help our students
know how they are progressing and to gauge the effectiveness of our own
methodology and materials.
In classroom assessment, since teachers themselves develop, administer and
analyze the questions, they are more likely to apply the results of the
assessment to their own teaching. Therefore, it provides feedback on the
effectiveness of instruction and gives students a measure of their progress. As
Biggs (1999) maintains, two major functions can be pointed out for classroom
assessment: One is to show whether or not the learning has been successful, and
the other one is to clarify the expectations of the teachers from the students
Evaluation is a process that includes five basic components:
1) Articulating the purpose of the
educational system.
2) Identifying and collecting
relevant information
3) Having ideas that are valuable
and useful
to learners in their lives and
4) Analyzing and interpreting
information for learners.
5) Classroom management or
classroom decision making.
Assessment is a process that includes four basic components:
1) Measuring improvement over
2) Motivating students to study.
3) Evaluating the teaching
4) Ranking the students' capabilities
in relation to the whole group evaluation.
The purpose of classroom assessment and evaluation is to give students
the opportunity to show what they have learned rather than catching them out or
to show what they have not learned.
Great article! Well-organized and cohesive. I love how you included recommended classroom activities.